Monday, May 31, 2010

Expectant Mom Shopping List - Part 3 (but not Part 3)

I'm not going to continue with this list.  I will however share with you what we love as a family as I come across them.

This post... not a Boppy but a Leachco Cuddle-U pillow.  I know it looks the same but ours is a Leachco.  What do I love about this pillow...take a look.

 You can't see the little strappy thing that makes this a wonderful thing.  It holds him in even when he gets all squirmy (from trying to poot).  He is so comfy in here.  I've been using it on the couch and in the bed.  I'll get him all set up and then I'm able to lay down next to him with out worrying that I'm going to roll over on him.  He also uses it for tummy time.  He is not that fond of being flat on this belly but when I put him in here he is able to look around and lift his head just like being flat on his tummy. 

And something else we've been enjoying learning.  Baby yoga.  My mom got us a this Baby and Toddler Yoga video.  We are taking our time and getting used to doing the routine.  Once we've worked through it a few times I'll give a more thorough review.  And speaking of yoga.  I hope to start doing yoga again.  I'm putting that at the end of this post with the hope that nobody will read this far and nobody will be able to hold my feet to the fire about my declaration.  What?

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